Saturday, February 19, 2011

Challenging Times

Just a short little post for journaling purposes...
It has been 8 weeks that I have been here, and it has been more than challenging in the last 4. I have been questioning if I am cut out for this and if I should stay. A combination of Home-Sickness and the difficulties of caring and protecting 5 children has really worn on me. So much to a point of a mental break-down involving tears. Which I consider normal for a person in my situation, but still it feels silly to be upset about a 7 and 5 year old not liking me. I understand they are only adjusting to me too, but being compared to a previous nanny is hard for me. The connection with the boys is taking longer than I thought it would. The good thing is that Maura and the babies are fine with me. Also, I love the people I am friends with and I love my church. Im trying to work through it and figure everything out.What I know right now is that I do like Pennsylvania, it is so pretty here and the people are really nice. This job just seems really heavy on my shoulders and I honestly am un-sure at the moment. We will see. Lots of prayer and fasting will take place in the next 2 weeks. Until next time.
I promise to update with last weeks activities soon!

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